DIY Mattress Cleaner

October 8, 2018

Essential oils

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Thanks for being here! I'm a functional nutritionist and holistic health coach that specializes in helping you balance your hormones and optimize health by finding the root cause of your symptoms. 

Hey, I'm Margaret

Who makes their bed every, single morning?

How often do you wash your sheets?

I read an article recently that said you actually shouldn’t make your bed first thing in the morning, and you should give your sheets + bedding time to “air out”. This might sound creepy but hear me out…

“if you immediately make your bed with the sunrise, the tight sheets will trap millions of dust mites that live on your bed, feeding off your dead skin cells and sweat and potentially contributing to asthma and allergy problems. An unmade and open bed, however, exposes the creatures to fresh air and light and will help dehydrate and kill them off.”

Behold a DIY mattress cleaner.

This is easy to make, I spray my bedding down daily first thing in the morning before I makes my bed. It’s an easy recipe to make, it makes your room smell lovely, and further de-funkifies your bed.

4 oz water
5 drops lavender
5 drops tea tree
15 drops purification
2 oz thieves cleaner
Add to glass spray bottle and voila!

How easy is that? Once you try it out come back and let me know! Have questions, drop them in the comments below.

Don’t have your starter kit of oils yet? No worries click here and get them today!

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Thanks for being here! I'm a functional nutritionist and holistic health coach that specializes in helping you balance your hormones and optimize health by finding the root cause of your symptoms. 

Hey, I'm Margaret


I specialize in taking a root-cause approach to understand your body from the inside out using nutrition and functional lab data, while embracing holistic and alternative approaches to wellness I’m not stranger to feeling desperate for solutions to fix your health symptoms yet only be told, “your labs look great” and “nothing’s wrong”. I struggled with horrific acne, irregular periods, awful PMS, anxiety, bloating & gut issues and went to countless of doctors and health practitioners only to be offered birth control or a prescription medication for my acne. 

I said “no thanks!” and dove deep into the science and research. Now I am healthier, more vibrant and feel more balanced in my 30’s than I was 10 years ago, and I truly have functional medicine to thank for that! Ever since, my team and I have helped hundreds of women heal their hormones, improve their thyroid, fix their digestion, clear their skin, brain fog and more

I'm a functional nutrition practitioner and holistic health coach

I'm Margaret —
Founder of Fueled & Free


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