The holidays is the perfect time to share your passion for essential oils with great little DIY stocking stuffers and gifts to introduce family and friends to Young Living. If you have been thinking of doing a holiday make-and-take, these recipes are PERFECT as well!!
Young Living has so many fun option for gifts this year but if you are wanting to MAKE beautiful gifts, we have you covered!!!!
Remember to check out the beautiful holiday catalog here!! https://tinyurl.com/ybqdjlbm
These three DIY self-care recipes were first introduced at the 2015 Beauty School and are impactful and AMAZING!
Mistletoe Lip Scrub
Combine and add to container:
2 teaspoons organic evaporated cane juice crystals
¾ teaspoon coconut oil
1-2 drops Christmas Spirit EO
Moo-Less Milk Bath
What you need:
½ cup dry coconut milk powder
2 tablespoons baking soda
2 tablespoons arrowroot starch
10-15 drops of your favorite topical essential oil
Half pint-sized (or larger) glass jar with lid
What to do:
Mix dry ingredients
Pour half of mixture into a glass jar
Drop essential oils into the middle of the powder
Pour remainder of dry mixture on top
Close jar well and shake to fully mix ingredients
Silky Foot Soak
Fully combine ingredients and store in glass jar:
½ cup epsom salt
2 tablespoons rolled oats
10-15 drops of your favorite topical essential oils
Don’t have oils yet? Grab your premium starter kit with 11 oils and a diffuser by clicking here. You’ll get an awesome kit of oils that are easy to use, safe, and make life less stressful! And you’ll be on your way to making your own holiday DIY’s in no time!
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