Order a functional lab and get a personalized review

Not ready to work with us 1:1? Purchase a functional lab review, lose the room for confusion and put our experts to the test. We’ll review your lab results, health concerns and history to give you tailored recommendations. Get clarity and confidence on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Functional labs help you “peel back the onion” of your body and address YOUR individual imbalances. No more guessing. No more googling. They were a game-changer in healing my own health issues, and I know they will be for you too!


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Review

Your hair contains all the minerals present in your body, including nutritional minerals as well as toxic heavy metals.

HTMA is a non-invasive and informative tool for understanding the body's mineral status and potential
underlying factors contributing to a variety of health concerns by analyzing a small sample of hair. It is often used in integrative and functional medicine to guide personalized interventions and optimize overall well-being.

This test is well-suited for investigating a range of health issues and symptoms, including: mineral deficiencies and excesses, metabolic function, stress and adrenal gland function, toxic metal exposure, hormonal imbalances, bone health, digestive disorders, thyroid function, energy and fatigue. 

This package includes: 
  • In depth health history intake & symptom assessment.
  • 1 functional lab test (choose below) with video recorded interpretation from a Functional Nutritionist reviewing your results + findings. 
  • Written report of findings + recommendations including a 90 day protocol (nutrition, lifestyle, supplements). 
  • Access to our online dispensary of supplements and 10% off all supplements. 

click here to purchase

GI MAP® Microbial Stool Test 

A comprehensive diagnostic tool that analyzes gut microbiota, pathogens, and overall digestive health, which can help identify the root causes of gut & hormonal symptoms. 

The GI-MAP assesses the balance of the gut microbiome, evaluates inflammation markers, and identifies potential pathogenic threats, allowing our team to tailor targeted interventions for significantly improved health outcomes.

This comprehensive stool test can provide valuable insights into various conditions and symptoms, including: digestive disorders, hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue and low energy, skin conditions, mood and mental health, autoimmune conditions and more. 

This package includes: 
  • In depth health history intake & symptom assessment.
  • 1 functional lab test (choose below) with video recorded interpretation from a Functional Nutritionist reviewing your results + findings. 
  • Written report of findings + recommendations including a 90 day protocol (nutrition, lifestyle, supplements). 
  • Access to our online dispensary of supplements and 10% off all supplements. 

click here to purchase

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